Measuring GenAI’s real impact on developer productivity with PlatformX

Sterling Davis

Product Marketing

As engineering teams embrace new tools and technologies, one of their biggest challenges is proving the value of their investments. From internal platforms to AI-powered tools like GenAI, leadership wants concrete data to justify costs and demonstrate impact. But how do you capture the real, in-the-moment metrics that reflect developer productivity, satisfaction, and tool effectiveness?

That’s where PlatformX—part of the DX platform—comes in. Whether you’re evaluating AI-paired programming tools like GitHub Copilot or assessing internal platforms, PlatformX allows you to gather actionable data on tool usage and developer sentiment. By treating your platform as a product, you can better understand what works, what doesn’t, and how to optimize both for your team’s productivity and your organization’s ROI.

In this article, we’ll explore how PlatformX helps teams measure the impact of GenAI tools with precision and ease.

Why measuring GenAI’s impact matters

With so much buzz surrounding GenAI, leadership teams are eager to understand whether these tools are delivering on their promises. Recent studies have shown impressive metrics: developers using AI-pairing tools complete tasks up to 55% faster and reduce code review times by an average of 19.3 hours. But measuring GenAI’s true value goes beyond adoption metrics. It’s about knowing how much time is being saved and how much more productive teams are with these tools in place.

That’s where a structured approach becomes essential. We recommend using surveys, targeted studies, and telemetry data to provide a comprehensive view of GenAI’s impact. Gathering real-time feedback from developers as they use these tools leads to clearer, more concise data—allowing you to evaluate actual performance and user sentiment, not just estimates.

PlatformX: measuring real-time impact

PlatformX enables you to capture developer feedback in a non-invasive, workflow-embedded way. Take, for example, one of DX’s customers: over the past six months, they ran a study involving 370+ developers to evaluate two AI-paired programming tools, GitHub Copilot and Google Code Assist. Using PlatformX, the team embedded surveys directly into their developer workflow, prompting responses with every PR merge.

During the testing phase, the team gathered over 400 responses to questions such as:

Example of PlatformX Survey Questions

By capturing this real-time feedback, they moved beyond assumptions and gained clear data on how developers actually used and benefited from these tools. This informed their decision-making process and helped optimize future tool investments.

Here’s how this works:

1. First, integrate with PlatformX by emitting events from GitHub whenever developers in your Copilot pilot group merge pull requests.

2. Next, set up a survey in PlatformX that triggers automatically across a randomized sample of selected events.

Survey Configuration

3. Responses are captured in real-time, providing immediate insights into developer experiences and tool effectiveness.

Real-time Survey Responses

The three-pronged approach to measuring GenAI

For accurate measurement of software investments and their impact, DX recommends a three-pronged approach:

1. Real-time surveys: Integrated within developer workflows, PlatformX triggers surveys at key moments (like PR merges) to capture how tools like coding assistants and other GenAI tools are being used. This method gathers immediate, actionable feedback without adding extra burdens on developers.

2. Telemetry metrics: Supplement qualitative feedback with quantitative data from DX Data Cloud to get a holistic view of developer performance. Track critical metrics like deployment frequency, lead time, and code review times to measure the actual impact on productivity.

3. Quarterly snapshots: Broaden perspectives with periodic surveys that gather reflective, qualitative insights. These counteract recency bias and provide a long-term view of tool adoption and effectiveness, ensuring leadership has a complete picture of GenAI’s evolving impact.

Why choose PlatformX for GenAI measurement?

The power of DX’s PlatformX lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate into existing workflows, making it easier for teams to measure productivity gains and tool effectiveness. Unlike traditional methods that rely on lagging indicators, PlatformX provides both real-time and reflective data on GenAI’s impact.

By combining developer sentiment with hard data on performance metrics, organizations can make data-driven decisions that optimize productivity, drive adoption, and deliver results. Whether you’re running an AI bake-off or evaluating internal platforms, PlatformX equips you with the insights needed to make the right call.

PlatformX is more than just a tool for measuring productivity—it’s a strategic solution for capturing developer experiences and driving meaningful change within engineering teams. With its lightweight, non-invasive approach, PlatformX enables teams to gather continuous feedback, ensure that tools fit developers’ real needs, and make informed decisions on future investments.

Ready to optimize your GenAI investments?

If you are a DX customer and would like to learn more about leveraging real-time surveys in DX, please contact your customer success representative today.


October 17, 2024

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