Pioneering research on developer productivity

There is a lot of noise surrounding developer productivity. We bring you authoritative research.

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DX Core 4

Measuring developer productivity with the DX Core 4

The DX Core 4 is a unified framework for measuring developer productivity that encapsulates DORA, SPACE, and DevEx.

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The One Number You Need to Increase ROI per Engineer

The Developer Experience Index (DXI) is a measure of engineering effectiveness predictors that can be directly linked to financial impact.

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Developer Experience Index (DXI)

DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity

A new approach to measuring developer productivity.

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A Conceptual Framework for Developer Experience

Defining developer experience and its key factors.

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A Conceptual Framework for Developer Experience
DevEx in Action

DevEx in Action

A study of developer experience and its tangible impacts on business.

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Research interviews

Tune in to conversations with top software engineering researchers, brought to you through our podcast.

How Google measures developer productivity

Ciera Jaspan and Collin Green, engineering productivity researchers at Google, delve into how they measure developer productivity at Google.

A new way to measure developer productivity

Abi Noda and Laura Tacho discuss popular measurement approaches SPACE and DORA, then dive into the recently published DevEx framework.

The science behind DORA

Derek Debellis, lead researcher on Google's DORA team, discusses the science and methodology behind DORA's ongoing research.

An inside look at the SPACE framework

Dr. Margaret-Anne Storey shares the backstory behind the SPACE framework, practical tips for leveraging it, and where she sees future research headed.

From DORA to SPACE to DX

A converation with Dr. Nicole Forsgen about DORA, the inspiration for the SPACE framework, and how she thinks about developer experience.

Measuring developer productivity is a complex problem. DX is pioneering new approaches that are leading the industry forward.”

Margaret-Anne Storey, PhD
Co-author, The SPACE of Developer Productivity