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Benchmark performance against industry peers

Get an accurate gauge of your organization’s performance using the world's largest collection of engineering benchmark data.

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Powering the world's top companies

The world's largest benchmarks database

DX benchmarks are powered by over 4 million benchmark samples from companies around the globe, as well as targeted panel data from research.

Make your data actionable

Raw data is difficult to judge or make decisions on. Using benchmarks, organizations can compare their performance against industry peers and competitors, helping identify clear performance gaps and opportunities.

Expansive benchmark data

DX benchmarks are powered by DX’s nearly 500 customers spanning industries around the globe, as well as targeted panel data from research. The DX platform also has the world’s largest collection of sentiment data, making DX benchmarks the most comprehensive on the market.

Introducing Direct Benchmarking™

Broad-based benchmark segments don’t provide the granularity needed for critical decision making. With DX Direct Benchmarking™, organizations can compare themselves against specific peer companies and competitors, providing a precise assessment of performance.

DX Customers

The most innovative organizations run on DX