Webinar Recording
Applying LinkedIn’s Developer Productivity Happiness (DPH) Framework
Join Max Kanat-Alexander, Principal Staff Software Engineer and Grant Jenks, Member of Technical Staff at OpenAI, in a conversation with Laura Tacho, CTO at DX. LinkedIn recently published their Developer Productivity and Happiness Framework. We’ll dig into this framework and discuss its practical application at LinkedIn, and how you might apply DPH concepts to your own organizations and teams.
Watch this session to learn:
- How LinkedIn uses the DPH framework to understand developers, measure success of engineering work, and decide where to focus infrastructure efforts
- How to use DPH to think about productivity and define metrics
- Pitfalls and anti-patterns when using data to examine productivity
Watch the recording
Max Kanat-Alexander
Principal Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Grant Jenks
Senior Staff Software Engineer, LinkedIn
Laura Tacho
Powering the world’s top companies