What is developer experience?

Taylor Bruneaux


Imagine a workplace where every tool is intuitive, every process streamlined, and every engineer feels fully equipped to perform at their best. This ideal isn’t just a luxury; it’s the baseline for companies aiming to attract, retain, and cultivate top-tier engineering talent. Yet, too often, organizations overlook a critical factor determining whether developers thrive or merely cope: developer experience (DevEx).

Developer experience encompasses how developers interact with their work environment—navigating code reviews, adopting new tools, or understanding project goals and team dynamics. Companies can foster developer happiness and reduce developer friction by prioritizing aspects like comprehensive documentation, leveraging Version control systems, and ensuring effective product design. Developers are more productive, engaged, and empowered when these elements work well together. But when they don’t, it leads to frustration and disengagement and ultimately impacts a company’s ability to innovate, adapt, and grow.

This explainer will delve into the essential components of DevEx and outline actionable strategies for creating an environment where developers—and, by extension, the broader organization—can thrive. This involves cultivating empathy for developer needs, leveraging AI-enabled developer tools, and incorporating developer journey maps to maintain a deep understanding of developer requirements.

The central thesis is simple: the more a company invests in developer experience, the more it unlocks developer productivity, which translates directly into business success. Companies build a culture that fosters engagement, purpose, and pride by focusing on what matters to developers—the work. By maintaining a positive Developer Experience, organizations can improve productivity, developers’ growth, and revenue growth.

What is developer experience?

Developer experience (DevEx) refers to how developers perceive and interact with their work environment across four key dimensions: speed, effectiveness, quality, and business impact. It involves how quickly a developer can deliver features and how supported and engaged they feel when navigating complex functionality or addressing bugs. Effective DevEx strategies enable developers to work efficiently, produce high-quality code, and contribute meaningfully to broader business goals like customer satisfaction and time to market.

A strong DevEx ensures developers can focus on the core aspects of their work—whether they are full-stack developers, front-end specialists, or product managers—without being hindered by friction or excessive toil. This, in turn, boosts job satisfaction and productivity, leading to greater success for the entire organization.

Creating a positive developer experience

Creating a positive DevEx involves more than just speeding up deployment times or automating code generation. It’s about providing a development environment that aligns with developer needs, supports growth for developers, and empowers them to work with a high degree of autonomy. Opinionated tooling, for example, can streamline workflows by promoting best practices while still allowing for flexibility through optionality where customization is needed.

Elements like well-defined project goals, responsive feedback loops, and easy access to comprehensive documentation aren’t just conveniences—they’re essential to fostering developer engagement and driving improvement in team velocity. Features should be designed with clear functionality and minimal complexity to prevent friction for developers and improve communication channels within development teams.

Conversely, when internal tooling is buggy, documentation is unclear, or poorly managed version control systems, developers become frustrated, and productivity plummets. Friction builds, engagement drops, and core business objectives—whether related to feature launches, innovation, or user satisfaction—are impacted. The stakes for getting DevEx right are high; creating a positive experience reduces abandonment rates, enhances developer happiness, and ensures that development speed is consistently optimized.

By focusing on these core aspects, organizations can build an environment that meets the requirements of individual developers, management, and larger teams. This will set them up for long-term success and deliver high-quality software that meets both business and user needs.

How to understand your team’s developer experience

To get a clear picture of your team’s developer experience, map out the different stages of engineers’ daily workflows and critical developer journeys.

Speak with engineers across various levels and roles to understand their unique pain points, frustrations, and successes. This exercise should focus on three key dimensions: feedback loops, cognitive load, and flow state.

Then, identify where feedback breaks down between developers and support teams, where repetitive tasks or unclear processes add mental overhead, and where disruptions hinder the team’s ability to focus. Consider whether buggy features or missing product capabilities are creating bottlenecks.

Creating an accurate picture of DevEx isn’t about generating a static list of issues—it’s about visualizing how developers navigate your organization’s systems, processes, and tooling. Explore how effectively developers adopt new tools, how long common tasks take, and how engineers collaborate across teams. Incorporate insights from different developer roles to capture improvement opportunities.

By looking at these interactions holistically, you can start seeing patterns that impact productivity and morale, ultimately designing a path to a more supportive and efficient developer environment.

Here’s how you can understand these dimensions as they relate to your dev team:

Feedback loops

Feedback loops drive continuous improvement by reusing output as input, enabling rapid learning and adjustments. In software development, they optimize value streams by minimizing delays and allowing quick course corrections. Short loops improve developer success by reducing wait times for code compilation, tests, and reviews, while long loops cause frustration, interrupt workflows, and disrupt productivity.

Cognitive load

Cognitive load is the mental effort required to complete a task, which increases with complexity or unfamiliar frameworks. High cognitive load, often caused by poorly documented code or systems, diverts developers’ focus from delivering customer value. To enhance the experience for developers, teams minimize cognitive load by removing unnecessary hurdles and ensuring clear, organized code and documentation.

Flow state

The flow state, marked by deep focus and enjoyment, boosts developer productivity and satisfaction. However, disruptions and unclear goals hinder this state. To foster flow, teams should limit interruptions, consolidate meetings, and set clear goals, while promoting a positive culture that offers autonomy and engaging challenges.

Can you measure developer experience?

Measuring developer experience requires a holistic approach considering perceptions and workflows, as focusing on single metrics misses key context. For example, functional testing might meet performance standards but frustrate users, or a quick code review might disrupt developers’ flow despite meeting timelines. A broader view, including productivity, satisfaction, and retention, ensures teams can make strategic developer relations improvements that align with organizational goals.

Measuring across DevEx dimensions

Effective measurement involves tracking technical performance and usability, addressing accessibility gaps, and optimizing workflows to increase product and feature delivery speed. By focusing on these metrics, you can pinpoint where your team is excelling and where processes need refinement—allowing you to prioritize high-impact improvements and avoid time wasted on low-value changes.





Human attitudes and opinions

Satisfaction with automated test speed and output

Perceived complexity of codebase

Perceived ability to focus and avoid interruptions

Satisfaction with the time it takes to validate a local change

Ease of debugging production systems

Satisfaction with clarity of task or project goals

Satisfaction with the time it takes to deploy a change to production

Ease of understanding documentation

Perceived disruptive- ness of being on-call


System and process behaviors

The time it takes to generate Cl results

The time it takes to get answers to technical questions

Number of blocks of time without meetings or interruptions

Code review turnaround time

Manual steps required to deploy a change

Frequency of unplanned tasks or requests

The time it takes to release a change to production

Frequency of documentation improvements

Frequency of incidents requiring team attention


North star metrics

Overall perceived ease of delivering software

Employee engagement or satisfaction

Perceived productivity

Developer experience surveys

Developer experience surveys give you a clear view of what’s really happening in your teams. They’re a direct line to understanding where friction for developers exists, what’s slowing delivery, and where your engineering process might be falling short. With a well-crafted survey, you can uncover blockers, capture candid feedback, and get a pulse on what’s working-so you can make decisions based on real data, not assumptions.

Here are some tips for designing great DevEx surveys:

Define your objectives clearly

Determine the primary goals of your survey before designing any questions. For example, are you aiming to identify specific bottlenecks in the development process, measure satisfaction, or track progress over time? Clear objectives help ensure your survey aligns with actionable outcomes.

Keep your survey concise

Limit your survey to 5-10 focused questions to encourage higher completion rates. Aim for a maximum of 10 minutes to complete. Use scaled questions instead of lengthy ones to maintain clarity and reduce drop-offs.

Use simple language

Frame questions in straightforward terms that everyone can understand, regardless of their technical expertise. For example, instead of saying, “How would you rate your latency with the CI/CD pipeline?” use, “How quickly do your builds run?”

Break down results by team and persona

Segment your results to target insights by roles (e.g., front-end, back-end, DevOps). This approach allows you to customize feedback and solutions relevant to different teams, leading to more impactful changes.

Avoid leading questions

Create neutral questions to ensure honest feedback. For example, rather than asking, “How much do you like the new coding standards?” ask, “What is your opinion of the new coding standards?”

Refrain from overloading with open-ended questions

To avoid fatigue, use no more than 2-3 open-ended questions. Instead, include a mix of multiple-choice or scaled questions, saving open-ended ones for where detailed feedback is most valuable, such as understanding blockers.

Avoid double-barreled questions

Ask only one question at a time. For example, instead of “How satisfied are you with your workflow and collaboration?” split it into two questions-one about workflow satisfaction and one about collaboration.

Don’t focus solely on aggregate results

Go beyond just looking at average scores. If overall satisfaction is high, dig deeper into specific subgroups, such as new hires or contractors, to identify potential gaps in their experience.

Incorporating quantitative data

Pairing system data with survey feedback gives you a fuller picture of what’s shaping developer experience. This combination lets you see how infrastructure and application performance impact your team’s day-to-day, helping you identify what’s driving satisfaction and getting in the way.

Key system data metrics

Integrate data collection into systems and standardize data across tools and teams to see how well developers are supported. Keep an eye on these metrics to pinpoint key drivers of developer experience:

  • Build success rate: Measures successful vs. failed builds to assess development health and highlight where things break down.
  • Application performance: Tracks response times and error rates to gauge if apps meet performance expectations.
  • Deployment frequency: Shows how often releases go out, revealing agility and efficiency in delivering updates.
  • Issue resolution time: Captures how quickly bugs get fixed, spotlighting where support processes are slowing down your team.

Balancing quantitative and qualitative data

Balancing qualitative and quantitative data helps you understand the developer experience from multiple angles. Quantitative metrics-like build success rates or deployment frequency-show where the pain points are, but they don’t always reveal why those issues happen or how they impact your team’s day-to-day. Qualitative data, such as survey responses and one-on-one feedback, adds that missing context by capturing real frustrations and insights.

To strike this balance, start by tracking core metrics across your systems, then layer in qualitative feedback through surveys and discussions. Use the numbers to flag areas needing attention and conversations to confirm your findings and prioritize next steps. This approach gives you a fuller picture, making it easier to focus on the changes that will have the biggest impact.

How eBay accelerated velocity by creating a great developer experience

eBay is raising the bar on software delivery speed and efficiency with its “Velocity Initiative,” a company-wide effort to reduce friction and eliminate wasted effort for developers.

Through its dedicated Developer Experience team, eBay collects feedback from the developer community using multiple channels-from forums to direct conversations-while actively tracking system performance data in real-time. With these insights, eBay has resolved bottlenecks, refined developer tools, and elevated its documentation to simplify development and release processes.

The team rolled out targeted training sessions to strengthen cross-functional collaboration to deepen developers’ understanding of key product features and streamline implementation. This approach supports smooth product rollouts and empowers developers to customize their workflows, reducing dependencies and enhancing agility.

The results speak for themselves: updates are shipped faster, boosting eBay’s software delivery speed and sharpening its competitive edge. By eliminating developer toil and promoting developer autonomy, eBay has created an environment where developers feel more empowered and satisfied, fueling productivity and long-term engagement.

How Pfizer empowers developers to deliver at ‘lightspeed’

Pfizer drives developer experience to the next level, empowering teams to innovate at ‘lightspeed’ with a cutting-edge, AI-powered platform that champions developer autonomy and engagement.

Between 2018 and 2022, the company’s software engineering division underwent a significant transformation, adopting open-source solutions and cloud technologies to modernize their development practices. Pfizer is laser-focused on fostering collaboration and reducing developer friction to accelerate speed and productivity of developers.

Despite navigating complex regulatory environments, the DevEx team has created a culture of creativity by supporting small, nimble developer teams. They simplify workflows with intuitive tools for version control and developer documentation, allowing developers to focus on building rather than battling complexity. Feedback is continuously gathered through structured developer surveys, ensuring they align with their developers’ needs and mental models. This approach has helped them streamline core developer workflows and minimize toil, driving sustained performance.

Pfizer’s unified internal developer portal is a standout initiative that centralizes resources and minimizes code duplication across teams. This hub not only boosts developer efficiency but also fuels growth by providing immediate access to critical tools for product design. By decentralizing improvements, Pfizer enables rapid changes that outpace traditional top-down approaches, supercharging team velocity and output.

How to start improving developer experience

If you’re committed to transforming your developer experience, it starts with solid leadership and a clear plan. Here’s how to take the lead:

  • Appoint a dedicated champion. Choose a developer experience engineer who’s not just skilled technically but also known for building trust and advocating for the team. This person should have a track record of removing roadblocks and empowering developers. For example, appointing a vocal developer advocate about improving onboarding or consistently mentoring others can be a game-changer.
  • Create a feedback loop that matters. Use a structured survey to get real insights into what frustrates your developers-outdated tools, a slow software development process, or unclear priorities. This loop isn’t about gathering data for data’s sake; it’s about uncovering the stories behind the numbers.
  • Set the tone for participation. Lead by example-personally promote the survey, ask leaders to echo the message, and follow up. Honest feedback requires trust, so show that you’re listening by sharing what you’ve learned and what you plan to do about it.
  • Prioritize and act. Use survey results to identify the top 1-2 issues to address immediately. Focus on quick wins that align with business goals, like automating a repetitive task or streamlining code reviews. A slight but visible improvement can set the stage for more extensive initiatives.
  • Build momentum through action. Every change you make should send a message: developer experience is a priority. Start small, communicate wins, and share progress widely. This action builds trust, energizes your team, and lays the groundwork for future developer-focused strategies.

Leading developer experience isn’t just about tools or processes-it’s about creating a culture where developers feel heard and supported. Start with these actions, and you’ll lay the foundation for lasting impact.

Transforming developer experience with DX

DX isn’t just another developer experience platform-it’s a research-backed system designed to help companies become world-class tech organizations. With its unique combination of developer-reported insights and system metrics, DX enables engineering leaders to go beyond primary performance data and understand what drives developer satisfaction and productivity.

Founded by industry leaders who pioneered the DORA and SPACE frameworks, DX builds on this foundation, offering advanced insights to solve complex challenges around developer productivity and overall experience.

Why DX is different

While most platforms rely solely on system metrics, DX integrates qualitative and quantitative data to create a complete picture of your development ecosystem. This approach helps engineering teams identify bottlenecks, measure the impact of process changes, and improve the ROI of engineering investments. With tools like code completion analysis and context-based insights, DX effectively helps leaders pinpoint areas where developers need support and optimization.

  • DevEx 360 quantifies internal developer experience, highlighting opportunities to refine development workflows and reduce friction.
  • Data Cloud aggregates and unifies data from multiple sources to provide a holistic view of engineering performance.
  • PlatformX offers real-time feedback to platform engineering teams, enabling them to resolve issues quickly and enhance developer workflows.
  • Onboarding accelerates ramp-up time for new engineers, ensuring they understand the code in context and become productive quickly.

The DX Core 4: Measuring what matters most

At the heart of DX’s offering is the DX Core 4-a unified framework for measuring developer productivity and experience that encapsulates the key components of DORA, SPACE, and DevEx. The DX Core 4 goes beyond basic metrics, incorporating four critical dimensions: speed, effectiveness, code quality, and business impact. This approach ensures that changes to one area don’t inadvertently harm another, helping you build a high-performing, satisfied development team.

  • Speed: Measures delivery pace without sacrificing quality. Key metrics include diffs per engineer and lead time.
  • Effectiveness: This measure captures how empowered developers feel in their roles using the Developer Experience Index (DXI) and ease of delivery metrics.
  • Quality: Monitors the stability of deployments and change failure rates to identify opportunities to reduce errors.
  • Business Impact: Links developer effort to outcomes like revenue per engineer and time spent on new capabilities.

Engineering leaders can use the DX Core 4 to create a more balanced, productive work environment that improves job satisfaction and retention. The framework helps translate productivity metrics into meaningful action, making it easier for teams to identify and address blockers that undermine a healthy developer experience.

Why companies choose DX

With nearly 300 customers across industries-including Dropbox, Etsy, Vanguard, Pfizer, and P&G-DX is trusted by top organizations to elevate their engineering operations. We work directly with leaders at all levels, from frontline managers to CXOs, to help them make data-informed decisions that increase ROI per developer and build a thriving, high-performing engineering organization.

Driving real business value

With DX’s comprehensive approach, you can go beyond surface-level metrics and understand why issues happen. This depth of insight helps address systemic blockers, track improvements over time, and deliver a work environment that attracts and retains top engineering talent.

Whether you’re looking to refine developer workflows or transform engineering culture, DX provides the tools, expert guidance, and insights needed to elevate your entire organization.

Get started with DX today and see how we’re redefining engineering intelligence.


October 9, 2024

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